Join JWJ for the Portland Workers’ Assembly!

The Portland Workers’ Assembly aims to create a space for people to share organizing lessons and challenges and build the connections and understandings needed to help us create the Portland we all want and deserve. Each talk focuses on a specific topic with the goal of continuing the labor militancy that we‘ve seen recently. Talks will feature a panel of speakers with experience related to the topic at hand and will be facilitated by JWJ Operations Organizer, Tyler. While panelists’ experiences will be a starting point for discussion, we aim to create a distinctly collaborative space where all participants are able to ask questions and share their experiences. These talks are geared towards all workers, union or not, and union staff and labor activists are also encouraged to attend!

The sessions will be on the second Thursday of the months of April, May, and June, from 7PM-8:30PM, in the Augustana Church Fellowship Hall (2710 NE 14th Avenue.)
The first talk is scheduled for 4/11 and will revolve around building campaigns that bring in the community, with E.D. Jill Pham joining the panel to talk about JWJ’s own role in uplifting the labor struggle within the community.Masks required.

So, mark the dates on your calendar and spread the word!

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